Sunday, March 20, 2016

And another curious thing...

For the past several weeks I get a daily visitor at my window. It is hard to snap a photo because I think I must scare her away. But I got one the other day.

I hear a tap tap tapping at the window. It is a female cardinal. I see the pair in my yard and in the shrubs but it is so odd to have her tapping at my window. 

My younger son thinks she is sometimes watching tv with him (a fan of Oscar's Oasis?). I think she is saying "can I come in?"  My husband thinks she might be saying "hey lady, ever plan to fill this empty bird feeder that is lying on the ground."

Who knows. 

Here is what the window looks like from the outside. She really hangs on to the edge to check us out. 

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Wednesday, March 16, 2016


We missed the school bus this morning so I did not do my customary morning check of the mailbox, but I know that yesterday there was no nut in my mailbox. I was out and about this morning, and when I returned around 11am the mail truck was just in front of me.  I saw the mail carrier open my mailbox, and about 15 seconds later toss in my mail, then drive off.  I did not see any time spent placing a nut, just so, into the mailbox.

I didn't stop to get the mail right away because I was expecting a call from my sister.  I didn't end up grabbing the mail until I went to meet the bus coming home--and there I found a nut.

The only other event today--Big Brothers Big Sisters did a pick up, and I had my donations out near the mailbox.  Could BBBS be the culprit?  I may need to track their pick up days in my town. hmmmmmmmm

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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

SuperTuesday nut

No nut in the morning on the way to the school bus. But as I came home from work and voting in the primary, and walked to the mailbox to check my mail, I thought, could there be a superTuesday nut?  Plenty of nuts out there today. 

And what do you know, a nut!

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