Sunday, December 25, 2016

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Another Monday, another nut day

I was in the office on Monday when I got a text from my husband that there was a new nut in the mailbox. It wasn't there for the morning school bus run. 
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Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Here you see 11 months worth of discovered nuts in my mailbox.  A total of 15 nuts found.  

There may be some misclassification of days (I don't know when the nut was placed while I was away on vacation--only when we found it), but I find this an interesting distribution of nut appearances over nearly a year.

And what is up with the warm months? 

A few more years of this and I should have enough data to analyze (ah, the life of an epidemiologist).  

Another Monday

Another nut day!
Seems as though Monday is a popular day for nuts.  
This Monday morning there was no nut in the box for the morning bus stop check.  But there was one in the afternoon when my husband grabbed the mail.  Monday is nut day.

He left the nut in the box for me to see--but since I came home late I didn't see it until Tuesday morning.  When I have a bit of time (ha ha) I think I might like to analyze the days of the week that we find a nut.  

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Monday, December 5, 2016

Snow showers

My husband checked the mailbox this morning during the trips to the school bus stop. The mailbox was nut free. But this afternoon when he checked the mail there was a nut.

I'm at the office but he sent me the obligatory photo. And here it is.

He is convinced it is the mail carrier. But I asked the mail carrier and he denied it. I just don't think that guy would lie to me.
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Friday, November 18, 2016

Fall Friday

I checked the mailbox twice this morning. Once for each walk to the school bus stop.
The last time I checked was around 8:20. The trash had not yet been picked up. Otherwise all was quiet.
I left for yoga at 9:20 and returned at 11:15. I went down to bring up the trash barrel and checked the mailbox--though I saw the mail carrier on my way home, so I did not expect the mail to have been delivered.
And there was the nut.
I hear the mail truck now outside, so will be down to the mailbox again soon.
Why my mailbox and not my neighbors? Why so frequently in the past 6 weeks?

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Crunchy leaves

And a nut!

My husband got the mail earlier yesterday afternoon. Today he was out and about in the yard and he thought to check the mailbox, even though it is Sunday. There was the nut!

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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Election Results

A nut!

This nut was not in my mailbox at 7am this morning. But here it is at 1:27pm. Also in my mailbox was this New Yorker. 

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Monday, November 7, 2016

Fall Back

Took my middle schooler to the bus this morning in the sunshine. On the way back I checked the mailbox. There was a nut!
It wasn't there Saturday when I got the mail. When was it placed there?  Between Saturday 11:30am and Monday 6:55am. 

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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Early morning

I walked my middle schooler to his bus this morning. On the way back I checked the mailbox. A nut was sitting there waiting for me!  My husband checked the mail yesterday. He claims he did not notice a nut and he doesn't think he would have missed it. But is he right?  I did check yesterday morning, so the nut has not been there all weekend.  Hmmmmm

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Thursday, October 20, 2016


As a drove up the street toward home, a squirrel jumped off the mailbox post onto the fence. 
Whenever I mention my nuts in the mailbox people always bring up the possibility of squirrels. I don't doubt that a squirrel could open the box, though it would be harder to close, but I cannot imagine that a squirrel would leave just one nut in the same spot each time. 
When I checked the mail there was no nut. 

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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Tuesday morning

I checked the mailbox on the way back up from the school bus this morning. 

A nut!

But when did it arrive?  My husband brought in the mail yesterday. Did he miss the nut?  Did I check the mailbox yesterday on the way up from the school bus?  I can't remember. Could it have been there since Sunday. Or even Saturday afternoon??

Not a clue. But the mystery continues. 

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Friday, October 14, 2016

Mail carrier

I had a chat with the mail carrier just now about the mailbox peanuts. He claims he has not been placing them in my mailbox. I believe him. He did get a good laugh out of it. 
The search continues. 

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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

My neighbor caught me again

Taking pictures of my mailbox. 
Because I found another nut today!!  Things are picking up in the world of mailbox peanuts. 

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Thursday, October 6, 2016

Been so long

I nearly missed it because I wasn't expecting it. But when I went to grab the mail this evening there was a nut!

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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Slow summer for nuts

Haven't seen any nuts in a good long while. Here is a shot from the other day. Flyers heading straight to the recycling bin. But no nut. 

We did see this guy right up near the house though. My sister thought he might be a nut culprit. But those stubby little legs would not have reached my mailbox. And I can't imagine it leaving a nut behind anyway. 

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Saturday, July 2, 2016


Haven't seen a nut in ages! Though we have seen an ant colony move in with their eggs! Ewww!  
I think we have evicted them (for the time being). 
Must have a photo though. So here is the start of the day lilies. 

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Monday, April 11, 2016

Monday morning nut

Checked the mailbox on the way to the school bus. Surprise! A nut!
No mail on Sunday and I sent the 12 yr old to get the mail on Saturday. So who knows how long that nut has been there. It wasn't there Friday afternoon, is all I know. 

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Sunday, March 20, 2016

And another curious thing...

For the past several weeks I get a daily visitor at my window. It is hard to snap a photo because I think I must scare her away. But I got one the other day.

I hear a tap tap tapping at the window. It is a female cardinal. I see the pair in my yard and in the shrubs but it is so odd to have her tapping at my window. 

My younger son thinks she is sometimes watching tv with him (a fan of Oscar's Oasis?). I think she is saying "can I come in?"  My husband thinks she might be saying "hey lady, ever plan to fill this empty bird feeder that is lying on the ground."

Who knows. 

Here is what the window looks like from the outside. She really hangs on to the edge to check us out. 

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Wednesday, March 16, 2016


We missed the school bus this morning so I did not do my customary morning check of the mailbox, but I know that yesterday there was no nut in my mailbox. I was out and about this morning, and when I returned around 11am the mail truck was just in front of me.  I saw the mail carrier open my mailbox, and about 15 seconds later toss in my mail, then drive off.  I did not see any time spent placing a nut, just so, into the mailbox.

I didn't stop to get the mail right away because I was expecting a call from my sister.  I didn't end up grabbing the mail until I went to meet the bus coming home--and there I found a nut.

The only other event today--Big Brothers Big Sisters did a pick up, and I had my donations out near the mailbox.  Could BBBS be the culprit?  I may need to track their pick up days in my town. hmmmmmmmm

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